Ed Petrus of New Castle, Pennsylvania, tells the story of Ira Sankey and the inspiration for his song, “The Ninety and Nine.”
Ed Petrus of New Castle, Pennsylvania, tells the story of Ira Sankey and the inspiration for his song, “The Ninety and Nine.”
In 1963, the Pro Football Hall of Fame opened in Canton, Ohio. One year later, Pastor Harold Henniger was reading Hebrews 11, that great passage on faith and the heroes of the faith, and thought it would be a great idea to have a Hall of Fame for Christian heroes so, on April 12, 1966, Canton Baptist Temple instituted the Christian Hall of Fame. Listen in as Mike Frazier, senior pastor of Canton Baptist Temple, tells the story.
Bill Federer, author of America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, joins us to talk about the visit by Abraham Lincoln to Moody’s Sunday school; Moody’s work in the Civil War with the U.S. Christian Commission; P. T. Barnum’s hippodrome; and Booker T. Washington, the freemen schools, and his famous “Cast Down Your Bucket Where You Are” speech.
Bill Federer, author of America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, joins us to talk about social impact ministry throughout history, especially as a result of Charles Finney’s initial work.
He talks about several Christians who founded global organizations, such as William Booth (founder of the Salvation Army), George Williams (founder of the Young Men’s Christian Association, aka the YMCA), Henry Dunant (founder of the International Red Cross), and Edgar James Helms (founder of Goodwill).
He analyzes how Christian experience goes from a first generation convert, to a second generation legalist, to a third generation rebel.
Lastly, he tells the story of Jeremiah Lanphier and the Laymen’s Prayer Revival in New York City, which began on September 23, 1857.