Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer. Many of us are traveling here in Germany, seeing very important historical sites. Today, on a beautiful day, we are in one of the most beautiful areas that you could possibly imagine. But don’t let beauty deceive you because behind me is a building in which one of the most evil decisions ever made in Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer, and many of us are having the opportunity of touring Germany to learn about its history and the lessons that apply to us. Perhaps you’ve already noticed that we are very close to The Reichstag, what we could call the German parliament. On it is written “Dem Deutschen Volk,” that is to say, “For/To the Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer, and I’m standing in a very significant place. Behind me is a building which in 1942 was used to plan The Final Solution. The Final Solution was to get rid of all the Jews, and the questions the Nazis asked themselves were, “How do you coordinate that? How do you have trains transport them? How Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer, and we’re here in Berlin, Germany. You probably recognize that I’m standing very close to the Brandenburg Gate, one of the most famous sites here in this great city. You also might remember that it was on the other side of this wall that President Reagan gave his speech in which he said, “Mr. Gorbachev, Read more...