Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer. I’m speaking softly because we are in a monastery, or I should say, what was a monastery. This is the very monastery that Martin Luther came to, way back in the 1500’s. What we have here is a cell. It’s the kind of cell in which the monks lived. Of course, there was not a lot Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer, and we are in Erfurt, Germany. I’m standing behind the altar in the Augustinian monastery where Martin Luther performed his first Mass. He had a great deal of respect for the sovereignty and the holiness of God. As a matter of fact, I’m going to read for you what Luther said at a later time Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer, and we are in the Augustinian monastery in Erfurt, Germany. This is where Martin Luther performed his vows to become a monk. Here’s where he lived for a number of years. This is where he sought salvation, and we are actually at the place where he would have taken his vows to be a monk. When Read more...
Eintritt in das Augustiner-Eremiten-Kloster zu Erfurt 17. Juli 1505 Der wahre Schatz der Kirche ist das allerheiligste Evangelium von der Herrlichkeit und Gnad Gottes. (62. der 95 Thesen zum Ablaß) 17. Juli 2005 ———————— Admission to the Augustinian Hermits monastery in Erfurt July 17, 1505 The true treasure of the church is the most holy gospel of the glory and Read more...