From Seth Folkers: As the oldest son of a daughter of Jonathan Edwards, great things might have been hoped for Timothy Dwight, but they did not come by accident. His mother, a godly and intelligent woman with decided views, was in earnest about her responsibility towards her son. She taught him early, not only to read—he was easily reading Read more...
Jonathan Edwards was assistant pastor of the Northampton church from 1726 to 1729, and senior pastor from 1729 to 1750. Edwards started in the “Second Meetinghouse” and built the “Third Meetinghouse” during the Great Awakening in 1737. The current structure, aka “The Fifth Meetinghouse,” was built in 1878. Featured Image Credit: Virtual Tours – Historic Northampton Museum and Education Center. Read more...
Join Randy as we go on location to Princeton Cemetery, just outside of Princeton University, to the grave of America’s founding pastors. We’ll see the tomb of Aaron Burr, the graves of Jonathan Edwards (Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God), Samuel Davies (see Polegreen), and John Witherspoon. From Christian Hall of Fame: American theologian and philosopher, Jonathan Read more...
First American theologian and philosopher. Born in 1703, son of Timothy Edwards. He graduated from Yale at age 17, was pastor in Bolton, tutor at Yale, missionary at Stockbridge, and in 1758 became pres. of Princeton University where he died. His grandson, Aaron Burr, became 3rd vice president of U. S. Featured Image Credit: Photo: Birthplace of Jonathan Edwards Read more...
The mission of the Jonathan Edwards Center is to support inquiry into the life, writings, and legacy of Jonathan Edwards by providing resources that encourage critical appraisal of the historical importance and contemporary relevance of America’s premier theologian. The primary way that we do this is with the Works of Jonathan Edwards Online, a digital learning environment for research, education and Read more...
David Brainerd (1718-1747) died at age 29, but inspired missionaries such as William Carey and Jim Eliot. He was a struggling farmer but during the Great Awakening on July 12, 1739, “the Lord… brought me to a hearty desire to exalt him, to set him on the throne, and to ‘seek first his Kingdom,’ i.e., principally and ultimately to aim Read more...
Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) was the son and grandson of colonial ministers. He started at Yale when he was 12, and at 19 was an interim pastor in New York. At 23 he joined his grandfather Solomon Stoddard at the Northampton church and married Sarah Pierpont. At 25 his grandfather died, leaving him as senior pastor. At age 30 a revival Read more...
For over 40 years, the Billy Graham Center Museum has welcomed tens of thousands of visitors annually. The first part of the museum is the History of Evangelism in America. See the first Bible printed in America – and it wasn’t in English, it’s the Eliot Algonquin Indian Bible. Colonial Puritan Cotton Mather’s sermon notes and books are on display, Read more...