According to the organization, “In the early 1970’s while Pastor Richard Diamond and his wife, Alwilda, attended a crusade in Atlanta, Georgia they toured a historical wax museum. After viewing scenes of past presidents, generals, and war heroes to their surprise the last scene was the Ascension of Jesus Christ.“ Ten years later Pastor Diamond started a Biblical wax museum, with Read more...
Watch Our Christian Heritage at the Christian Hall of Fame Canton, Ohio, is the home of the Professional Football Hall of Fame. Pastor Harold Henniger had suffered a heart attack and was recovering at the Aultman Hospital. On the radio he heard about the Hall of Fame, and thought back to his Bible reading in Hebrews 11, the “Hall of Read more...
One of Lyman Stewart’s evangelistic efforts was the Los Angeles Bible House. Under this ministry, William Townsend was sent as a colporteur missionary to Guatemala in 1917, with Spanish Bibles. However, the tribal people spoke Cakchiquel, not Spanish. Townsend spent fourteen years learning the language and translating the Bible into the heart language of the Cakqhikel. Supported by the Quaker Read more...
Founded by Clarence Sexton, pastor of Temple Baptist Church in Powell, Tennessee, the Crown College of the Bible opened in 1991. In 2020, Clarence Sexton was invited to the White House to preach the funeral of Robert Trump, brother of President Donald Trump. Robert Trump had discovered Sexton online as Sexton shared the connection between the Hebrides Revival and Donald Read more...
Bible museum facilities range from the $500 million Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C.; to the Bible Museum in the Hampton Inn & Suites in Goodyear, Arizona. But this museum is located inside a replica of the room where the King James Bible was translated. From BJU.edu: Dating from the late 14th century, the Jerusalem Chamber formed part Read more...
Most hotels include a Gideon Bible beside each bed. But inside the Hampton Inn & Suites in Goodyear, Arizona, you will find the only 24/7/365 Bible Museum operated by the largest dealer of historic Bibles in the world. I’m not sure why it’s located inside a hotel – my visit was late at night to see if this really was Read more...
The Hobby Lobby family invested $500 million into an incredible museum in Washington D.C. The doors are almost 40 feet high, making it the largest brass gates in the world. And its based off of the first printed book in the world, the 1450 Gutenberg Bible. Once you enter the symbolism is everywhere – from the marble floor symbolizing going Read more...
For over 40 years, the Billy Graham Center Museum has welcomed tens of thousands of visitors annually. The first part of the museum is the History of Evangelism in America. See the first Bible printed in America – and it wasn’t in English, it’s the Eliot Algonquin Indian Bible. Colonial Puritan Cotton Mather’s sermon notes and books are on display, Read more...
Ken Ham was born in Australia, the son of a Christian educator. At the age of 10, John Whitcomb and Henry Morris published The Genesis Flood, that ignited the modern Young Earth Creation movement. After college, Ken Ham taught high school science, until he began a Creation ministry in Australia, and then later moved to the United States to work Read more...