A pioneer among the Baptists, Andrew Tribble moved from Virginia to Kentucky in 1784. He settled in what is now Madison County, gathered the Tates Creek Baptist Church in 1786, and pastored here until shortly before his death. Faithfulness to the Saviour marked his life. He gathered several churches in Kentucky and while pastoring at Tates Creek, the church licensed Read more...
Daniel Merrill Pastor. Educator. Legislator. Daniel Merrill, the son of Thomas and Sarah Merrill, was born March 18, 1765 in Rowley, Massachusetts. He was converted at the age of thirteen and early received impressions that he should become a minister of the gospel. In January of 1781, Merrill became a soldier in the war for American Independence and served until Read more...
Clear Creek Baptist Church. The Baptist Church of Christ at Clear Creek was organized in April of 1785 as a branch of the South Elkhorn Baptist Church. Among the 30 constituent members were some of the saints who journeyed from Virginia with Lewis Craig and the traveling church. Its membership was composed of Kentucky pioneers who braved the wilderness and Read more...
Monument marks church tricentennial By AMY RENCZKOWSKI Day Staff Writer Waterford – Churchgoers gathered outside the First Baptist Church of Waterford before Sunday morning’s service to unveil an eight-foot tall granite memorial marker and to celebrate its 300th birthday. The church is the second oldest Baptist church in the state behind the Old Mystic Baptist Church. The monument came from Read more...
The latter half of the seventeenth century witnessed the advent of the Baptists within the bounds of Maine. Baptists worshipping in the Kittery area requested that the First Baptist Church of Boston license one of their number, William Screven, as minister. Screven was licensed January 11, 1682 and proceeded to prosecute the great and noble work of preaching the gospel. Read more...
ELDER ISAAC CASE PATRIOT – PREACHER – CHURCH PLANTER Elder Isaac Case was one of the greatest church planters in American history. Wholly given to the ministry, Case was tireless in labour, disinterested in service and single in vision. He was esteemed by his peers and loved by the Baptists of Maine. The son of William and Abigail Bell Case, Isaac Read more...
From Wikipedia: John Charles Ryle (10 May 1816 – 10 June 1900) was an English evangelical Anglican bishop. He was the first Anglican bishop of Liverpool. Ryle was a strong supporter of the evangelical school and a critic of ritualism. He was a writer, pastor and an evangelical preacher. Among his longer works are Christian Leaders of the Eighteenth Century (1869), Expository Thoughts on the Gospels (7 vols, 1856–69), and Principles Read more...
Pigeon Creek Primitive Baptist Church is the oldest Baptist church in Florida. It was organized January 7, 1821, twenty-four years before Florida was granted statehood. From the Baptist History Preservation Society: Read more...
Church unveiling new monument By BILL TOSCANO btoscano@poststar.com HARTFORD — Dale LaPoint and the other members of the First Baptist Church of Hartford are planning a major event for Friday, and it wasn’t even their idea. “This is not something we generated,” said LaPoint, who is the chairman of the church trustees and the church historian. “Jeff Faggart got in Read more...
From others: Unusual Films souvenir book, 1978, BJU Archives. Katherine Stenholm directed a crew of 76 and a cast of about 800, and the film includes a musical score by Dwight Gustafson. A large camp meeting scene was filmed at the nineteenth-century Epworth Camp Meeting in Greenwood, South Carolina, and other scenes were shot at Cades Cove and the Pioneer Read more...
Ask your questions about life’s origin, history, and destiny as you examnine displays of “Missionary Mammoths” (fossil elephants staff helped to excavate from Peace River a mile upstream from the Museum!); dinosaurs (including “fresh” dino bones from Alaska, a fossil dino egg from China, a life-size dino replica, T. rex tooth found by Mrs. Parker, etc.; fossils from five continents (illustrating 4Cs of Biblical history: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Christ); numerous “touch Read more...
From a Biblical, young earth creationist perspective, learn about the true account of the origins of the universe, life, and man’s early history. Over the last twenty-five years, our ministry has discovered that while many educational centers/museums have extensive programs showing many of God’s wonderous works, almost none of them have attributed the works to God, but to evolution. Read more...
From Wikipedia: Samuel Truett Cathy (March 14, 1921 – September 8, 2014) was an American businessman, investor, author, and philanthropist. He founded the fast food restaurant chain Chick-fil-A in 1946. Cathy was a member of the First Baptist Church in Jonesboro, Georgia, and taught Sunday School there for more than 50 years. He said that the Bible is his guide-book for life.[7] Due to Read more...
What You Can Expect to See: The Museum will feature treasures of NOBTS, including ancient Hebrew scrolls of the Old Testament, replicas and images of papyrus manuscripts of the New Testament, facsimiles of major Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, Latin manuscripts of the Bible, part of a real Gutenberg Bible from the 15th century, a large collection of English Bibles Read more...
From Wikipedia: Norris was converted at a Baptist revival meeting in the early 1890s, and in 1897, he became pastor of Mount Antioch Baptist Church in Mount Calm in Hill County, Texas.[3] The following year he enrolled in Baptist-affiliated Baylor University in Waco, which he attended from 1898 to 1903. He then earned a Master of Theology degree from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. In 1905, Norris returned to Read more...
The Creation Evidence Museum provides scientific evidence for creation to thousands of people each year. Every year, new artifacts and documents are added to the museum’s collection through the generosity of individuals. Your contribution will help us continue to: • Provide a creation science message opposing the evolutionary theory. • Educate children about the scientific and Biblical principles of our Read more...
The Discovery Center… is a creation museum that exists primarily to provide scientific and historic evidence for the truthfulness of God’s word, especially as it relates to the creation/evolution issue. Photo from organization Read more...
From Wikipedia: Lyman Stewart (July 22, 1840 – September 28, 1923) was a U.S. businessman and co-founder of Union Oil Company of California, which eventually became Unocal. Stewart was also a significant Christian philanthropist and cofounder of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles (now known as Biola University). He and his brother Milton also anonymously funded publication of The Fundamentals, the foundation document of Christian fundamentalism.[1] Stewart also helped found the Union Rescue Read more...
Phillips Brooks wrote “O Little Town of Bethlehem” – but as David Larsen pointed out, “like his preaching, even the hymn lacks strong Christological affirmation.” Larsen quotes from his successor’s biography of Brooks: His mother had in the earlier years of his ministry feared for his faith, and she had prayed mightily that he might remain true. She warned him Read more...
Voyage to the rock – read an account Archaeology of Christianity in Vanuatu (including map of the last day of Williams From Wikipedia: Most of the Williamses’ missionary work, and their delivery of a cultural message, was very successful and they became famed in Congregational circles. However, in November 1839, while visiting a part of the New Hebrides where John Read more...