Good morning. This is Rebecca Lutzer from Wittenberg, Germany. A beautiful day here in this quaint, medieval-looking town that has so much history and has brought us here today to learn more about Martin and Katie Luther. So this morning, I’m going to share with you a little bit about their lives – how they met and how God Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer, and we are here in Wittenberg, Germany, and we are at what is known as the town church. It’s not the church where Luther posted the 95 Theses. That’s a little ways from here. This is the church where the Gospel was preached in German. And of course, it has huge implications. Martin Luther and his Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer. I want you to spend a few moments with me. I am here in Wittenberg, Germany, and I’m actually sitting in one of the churches of Wittenberg. Wittenberg has two churches. You’ve perhaps heard me say that before. This is not the church where the 95 Theses were posted, but it’s the church in which Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer. Many of us are traveling throughout Germany looking at very important sites. Today we happen to be in the Town Church of Wittenberg. There are two huge churches here in Wittenberg. This is not the church where the 95 Theses were placed, but it’s where the Gospel was preached in German, and that’s why it’s Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer. Many of us are on a tour of Germany, and we are visiting some very important sites. But as far as my interests are concerned, I think that there is none greater than this church. This church is the Church of the Reformation. Just outside the wall, that’s where Luther nailed his 95 Theses, and Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer in Wittenberg, Germany. With me is a tour group, and we are touring Germany and learning all about German history … at least some of the German history that is most important to us. Today, we are in the city of Wittenberg, famous, of course, because this is where Martin Luther lived, and he lived Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer, and it is a beautiful day here in Germany. We are at the Wartburg Castle. And for us, this castle has significance, because Martin Luther was brought here. He was captured and brought here after the Diet of Worms. Perhaps you’ve heard of that diet. Charles V, the head of the Holy Roman Empire, had Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer. Many of us are traveling here in Germany, seeing very important historical sites. Today, on a beautiful day, we are in one of the most beautiful areas that you could possibly imagine. But don’t let beauty deceive you because behind me is a building in which one of the most evil decisions ever made in Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer, and many of us are having the opportunity of touring Germany to learn about its history and the lessons that apply to us. Perhaps you’ve already noticed that we are very close to The Reichstag, what we could call the German parliament. On it is written “Dem Deutschen Volk,” that is to say, “For/To the Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer, and I’m standing in a very significant place. Behind me is a building which in 1942 was used to plan The Final Solution. The Final Solution was to get rid of all the Jews, and the questions the Nazis asked themselves were, “How do you coordinate that? How do you have trains transport them? How Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer, and many of us are touring Germany. We’re learning a lot about its history, and the impact it has had on the entire world. Today, on this very beautiful day here in Germany, we’re actually in Potsdam. Potsdam is the place where the famous conference was held that decided to divide Europe and find out Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer. Many of us are touring Germany finding important sites that have impacted history, and I can’t think of a more important site than where we are today in Nuremberg, Germany. More specifically, we’re actually at the site of the great Nazi rallies just outside of the city of Nuremberg, and you can see to the Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer, and I’m standing on the podium where Hitler gave his famous speeches. It is from this pulpit that evil went forth. And of course, it affected the entire world. Two hundred thousand people gathered here in Nuremberg, and it was here that he inspired a nation. And, of course, he led them to a very Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer, and we are here in Nuremberg, Germany. Behind me is the courthouse where 21 Nazis were tried for war crimes back in 1945 to 1946. What interests us is the fact that these Nazis did not personally commit the murders, but they gave orders, and they were a part of the Nazi system. There are Read more...
Well, I’m Pastor Lutzer, and we are here in Munich, Germany. I’m standing on the stairs of a building where the Munich Agreement was signed. It has become very important as people understand the implications of signing a document where the participants don’t really care to keep their word. This place has a special interest for my lovely wife, Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer. I’m speaking softly because we are in a monastery, or I should say, what was a monastery. This is the very monastery that Martin Luther came to, way back in the 1500’s. What we have here is a cell. It’s the kind of cell in which the monks lived. Of course, there was not a lot Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer. Several of us are traveling around Germany learning something about its history. Today, we are in Wittenberg, and we’re actually in the house of Melanchthon. Of course, you don’t hear about him as often as you hear about Luther, but he was Luther’s assistant. He was actually a systematic theologian. Now, when it comes to Luther, Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer, and we are in Erfurt, Germany. I’m standing behind the altar in the Augustinian monastery where Martin Luther performed his first Mass. He had a great deal of respect for the sovereignty and the holiness of God. As a matter of fact, I’m going to read for you what Luther said at a later time Read more...
Hi, I’m Pastor Lutzer, and we’re here in Germany, in the Wartburg Castle. Now, you might remember that it was here that Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German in just 11 weeks. His translation became very influential. Eventually, Luther translated the entire Bible, but he had help for that, and it took several years. Now, it’s impossible Read more...