Ask your questions about life’s origin, history, and destiny as you examnine displays of “Missionary Mammoths” (fossil elephants staff helped to excavate from Peace River a mile upstream from the Museum!); dinosaurs (including “fresh” dino bones from Alaska, a fossil dino egg from China, a life-size dino replica, T. rex tooth found by Mrs. Parker, etc.; fossils from five continents (illustrating 4Cs of Biblical history: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Christ); numerous “touch Read more...
From a biblical, young earth creationist perspective, learn about the true account of the origins of the universe, life, and man’s early history. Over the last twenty-five years, our ministry has discovered that while many educational centers/museums have extensive programs showing many of God’s wonderous works, almost none of them have attributed the works to God, but to evolution. Image Read more...
The Creation Evidence Museum provides scientific evidence for creation to thousands of people each year. Every year, new artifacts and documents are added to the museum’s collection through the generosity of individuals. Your contribution will help us continue to: • Provide a creation science message opposing the evolutionary theory. • Educate children about the scientific and Biblical principles of our Read more...
The Discovery Center… is a creation museum that exists primarily to provide scientific and historic evidence for the truthfulness of God’s word, especially as it relates to the creation/evolution issue. Photo from organization Read more...
From the website: The Boneyard Creation Museum is a non-profit educational museum located in Broken Bow, Nebraska for the purpose of displaying scientific evidence for creation and showing the difference between evolution and creation. We believe in the accuracy of the Bible and firmly believe that the earth is thousands of years old, not billions. The museum has many fossil and replica displays highlighting the many problems that Read more...
In 2007 the Institute for Creation Research moved from Santee, California to Dallas, Texas. The Dallas metropolitan area has the highest percentage of evangelicals of any major metropolitan area in America. As in Santee, ICR planned a museum to accompany their headquarters. On September 2, 2019, the Discovery Center opened. The museum features exhibits on the founders of science, the Read more...
Henry Madison Morris (October 6, 1918 – February 25, 2006) was an American young Earth creationist, Christian apologist, and engineer. He was one of the founders of the Creation Research Society and the Institute for Creation Research. He is considered by many to be “the father of modern creation science.”[2] He is widely known for coauthoring The Genesis Flood with John C. Whitcomb in 1961.[2][3][4] As Morris believed in the biblical literalism and inerrancy, he opposed Read more...
Modern creationism, the idea that God created the world in six literal days approximately 6,000 years ago, and following that, a worldwide flood occurred, was championed by George McCready Price, a Seventh Day Adventist, starting in 1902. Williams Jennings Bryan unsuccessfully recruited him as a witness for the Scopes Trial. The “flood geology” movement grew to include conservative Lutherans, and Read more...
Lloyd and Doris Anderson started the museum that is now known as the Mount St. Helens Creation Center to share the impact of the volcano that transformed Washington state. On March 15th, 1980, a series of earthquakes began, followed by avalanches, fractures, and ash clouds. Then, it appeared to stop on May 16th, and the area residents started demanding to Read more...
Site of one of the most famous trials in the 20th Century, featuring Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan. My first visit to the Scopes Trial Museum proved unsuccessful. It was the Christmas season and the County Executive ordered the building closed early for the day. So I took some pictures outside – the statues of William Jennings Bryan and Read more...
Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis envisioned a full scale replica of Noah’s Ark to “lend credence to the biblical account of a catastrophic flood and to dispel doubts that Noah could have fit two of every kind of animal onto a 500-foot-long ark.” Following the announcement of the plan on December 1, 2020, they proceeded to raise $100 Read more...
Ken Ham was born in Australia, the son of a Christian educator. At the age of 10, John Whitcomb and Henry Morris published The Genesis Flood, that ignited the modern Young Earth Creation movement. After college, Ken Ham taught high school science, until he began a Creation ministry in Australia, and then later moved to the United States to work Read more...