From One of the goals of the Spurgeon Library is to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ by preserving the personal library of Charles Haddon Spurgeon and fostering a deeper appreciation of his life, legacy, theology, and preaching. When visiting the Spurgeon Library, visitors are able to see and study the gospel through the lenses of the “Prince of Read more...
From the Center: The Winona History Center is located in the original Westminster Hotel, one of several hotels built to lodge the many guests that flocked to Winona Lake through the years. The west wing of the first floor, which houses the museum, was the location of the offices of gospel music pioneer Homer Rodeheaver. In addition to highlighting Rodeheaver’s Read more...
From GotQuestions: Capernaum is featured in the New Testament but never mentioned in the Old. Capernaum was a city located on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee. It is significant in Scripture because Capernaum was the chosen home city of Jesus after He was driven from Nazareth by the religious officials (Luke 4:16, 28–30). Capernaum was also the Read more...
Image Credit: Sdo216, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons Read more...
The Kelso Museum of Near Eastern Archaeology has its roots in a program of archaeological field work in the Near East that began in 1924 focusing on the Lands of the Bible: modern day Israel, West Bank, and Jordan. Its exhibits highlight daily life in ancient times including landscape and settlement patterns; domestic and communal architecture; agriculture and food preparation; Read more...
Since opening on Falwell Sr.’s 70th birthday in 2003, the Jerry Falwell Museum has continued to grow its collection. It contains memorabilia about Liberty’s founder with donations from family, alumni, and friends from around the world. Those interested in the history of Liberty University, Thomas Road Baptist Church, Jerry Falwell Sr. ministries, and Baptist traditions in general may also wish Read more...
Ask your questions about life’s origin, history, and destiny as you examnine displays of “Missionary Mammoths” (fossil elephants staff helped to excavate from Peace River a mile upstream from the Museum!); dinosaurs (including “fresh” dino bones from Alaska, a fossil dino egg from China, a life-size dino replica, T. rex tooth found by Mrs. Parker, etc.; fossils from five continents (illustrating 4Cs of Biblical history: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Christ); numerous “touch Read more...
From a biblical, young earth creationist perspective, learn about the true account of the origins of the universe, life, and man’s early history. Over the last twenty-five years, our ministry has discovered that while many educational centers/museums have extensive programs showing many of God’s wonderous works, almost none of them have attributed the works to God, but to evolution. Image Read more...
What You Can Expect to See: The Museum will feature treasures of NOBTS, including ancient Hebrew scrolls of the Old Testament, replicas and images of papyrus manuscripts of the New Testament, facsimiles of major Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, Latin manuscripts of the Bible, part of a real Gutenberg Bible from the 15th century, a large collection of English Bibles Read more...
The Creation Evidence Museum provides scientific evidence for creation to thousands of people each year. Every year, new artifacts and documents are added to the museum’s collection through the generosity of individuals. Your contribution will help us continue to: • Provide a creation science message opposing the evolutionary theory. • Educate children about the scientific and Biblical principles of our Read more...
The Discovery Center… is a creation museum that exists primarily to provide scientific and historic evidence for the truthfulness of God’s word, especially as it relates to the creation/evolution issue. Photo from organization Read more...
From the website: The Boneyard Creation Museum is a non-profit educational museum located in Broken Bow, Nebraska for the purpose of displaying scientific evidence for creation and showing the difference between evolution and creation. We believe in the accuracy of the Bible and firmly believe that the earth is thousands of years old, not billions. The museum has many fossil and replica displays highlighting the many problems that Read more...
From Wikipedia The Lutherhaus is a writer’s house museum in Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany. Originally built 1504 as part of the University of Wittenberg, the building was the home of Martin Luther for most of his adult life and a significant location in the history of the Protestant Reformation. Luther was living here when he wrote his 95 Theses. The Augusteum is an expansion to the original building that was constructed after Luther’s Read more...
Take a walk back in time following in the steps of Abraham and the children of Israel throughout their history. The Bible will come alive through your visit to the Everlasting Nation Museum. Special features include The Passover, The Temple, The Jewish Wedding and the Rebirth of Israel. Another meaningful exhibit is the Holocaust Memorial with a special focus on Read more...
The collection of the William Tyndale museum in Vilvoorde started with a gift from a private collector to the William Tyndale Church in 1982 (now named William Tyndale-Silo Church). The fledgling museum was located in the basement of the church building in the Lange Molensstraat, not far from the place where Tyndale was executed. The museum opened in October 1986, Read more...
In 2007 the Institute for Creation Research moved from Santee, California to Dallas, Texas. The Dallas metropolitan area has the highest percentage of evangelicals of any major metropolitan area in America. As in Santee, ICR planned a museum to accompany their headquarters. On September 2, 2019, the Discovery Center opened. The museum features exhibits on the founders of science, the Read more...
From the Lutterworth Museum: In 1374 this early church reformer was made Rector of Lutterworth as a royal reward for his diplomatic services. He appointed a curate to carry out his parochial duties while he preached sermons and wrote tracts, in Oxford and London, that threatened the doctrines of the Roman Church. The first translation of the Bible into English Read more...
Favorite The David A. Dorsey Museum of Biblical Archaeology was created in 1980 by the generosity of Alan and Muriel Pense and the dedicated work of Dr. David A. Dorsey, Distinguished Professor of Old Testament of Evangelical Seminary. The museum contains nearly 500 archaeological artifacts from the lands of the Bible. The Dorsey Museum is designed to give visitors Read more...
From website: ANCIENT ARTIFACTS TSUMA features hundreds of ancient objects from the times of Abraham, Moses, David and Solomon, the Hebrew prophets, John the Baptizer and Jesus. Each artifact is linked to a Bible passage, lending a 3-dimensional, tangible reality to the text. Artifacts from the TSU excavation of biblical Sodom (Tall el-Hammam) are on display for the first time. Read more...
From The Livingston Lab houses a collection of authentic archaeological artifacts from Bible lands dating from over 5000 years ago through the St. Augustine period around A.D. 400. The lab contains pieces from the times of Abraham, Moses, Gideon, David and the prophets, more than 10,000 high-resolution images of Bible lands, a library of historic and contemporary maps and Read more...